My Projects
Fashgram Store
Fashgram Store is an ecommerce-store where users can shop for latest trends in fashion.
Technical details:
- ReactJS
- Mockbee (for mock backend)
Live ProjectSource codeFashgram Video Library
A video library application where users can watch and save their favorite videos.
Technical details:
- ReactJS
- Mockbee (for mock backend)
Live ProjectSource codeFashgram Social Media
Social media app to connect with your friends and family.
Technical details:
- React with Typescript
- Redux Toolkit
- React Router V6
- Firebase for backend
- Tailwind CSS
Live ProjectSource codeFashgram Component Library
A simple modern, and responsive framework for building components on the fly.
Technical details:
Live ProjectSource codeFashgram Quiz App
Quiz with multiple categories and corresponding quizzes.
Technical details:
- ReactJS
- Mockbee (for mock backend)
Live ProjectSource codeGeek Finder
Geek Finder is a networking platform for students and professionals.
Technical details:
- Performed EDA, feature selection, feature engineering, text preprocessing, and encoding of categorical features
- Applied weighted cosine similarity to find recommendations
- Deployed the Flask Application on Heroku
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